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Install Visual C++ / DirectX / Microsoft NET Framework / Update drivers

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Necessary components for the correct operation of programs

Microsoft Visual C++

Installation instruction

Скрытый текст

Select the file for your system and click "upload". After downloading, run the downloaded file and wait for the installation to finish!


  • DirectX executable library web installer: [download]

Installation instruction

Скрытый текст

Click the "download" button , run the downloaded file , then wait for the installation to finish, then restart the computer.

Microsoft .NET Framework

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 offline installer: [download]
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 standalone installer: [download]

Installation instruction

Скрытый текст

Select the desired version of the product, click "download" , run the downloaded file , then wait for the installation to finish, then restart the computer

Update / Install drivers for Your video card

Installation instruction

Скрытый текст

Select the video card manufacturer, click the "download" button . Next, select the model of Your video card, then download the installation file, run it and wait for the installation to finish, then restart the computer.

Update / Install audio drivers

Installation instruction

Скрытый текст

Select the desired version for Your system, then download the installation file, then run it, wait for the installation to finish, then restart the computer.


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